Look for Hemlock Canoe at these fun events in 2025
Beginning June- End September
Demo/Test Paddling Night
Canadice Lake Southeast Canoe Launch (in google maps as “Kiosk, Marble Bench, Stone Beach”)
Come join us for Demo Night on Canadice Lake every Tuesday evening 5:30 PM- Sunset, June through September. Try each of our canoe models in a risk free, comfortable setting at the south boat launch. No need to bring anything, we’ll have it all: canoes, paddles, PFDs and answers to your questions. Welcome to paddlers of all experience levels. Also feel free to bring your own canoe to paddle with friends or just hang out. Check our demo nights page for more info.
Beginning June- End September – more specific dates coming soon
Demo/Test Paddling Night
Mondon Ponds Park Round Pond
Come join us for Demo Night in Mendon Ponds one Thursday per month from 5:30 PM- Sunset, June through September. Try each of our canoe models in a risk free, comfortable setting at the south boat launch. No need to bring anything, we’ll have it all: canoes, paddles, PFDs and answers to your questions. Welcome to paddlers of all experience levels. Also feel free to bring your own canoe to paddle with friends or just hang out. Check our demo nights page for more info.
Fri 30
May 30- June 1
Western Pennsylvania Solo Canoe Rendezvous
Cooper’s Lake Campground 205 Currie Rd, Slippery Rock, PA
The Western PA Solo Canoe Rendezvous is a gathering of solo canoe enthusiasts held always on the first full weekend of June each year at Cooper’s Lake Campground near Slippery Rock PA. It features various manufacturers and designers of solo canoes with demo models of their boats available for test paddling; demonstrations of, and informal instruction in FreeStyle paddling; assorted programs on various aspects of canoe design, construction, and use in the real world. It is a deliberately laid-back, relaxed, and informal event – very much made up as we go along. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in solo canoes and canoe folks for a long weekend to the exclusion of all other reality.
More info: https://wpascr.org/
Sat 14
June 14 @ 9:30am- 3:30pm
Adirondack Mountain Club Outdoor Expo
Mendon Ponds Park 95 Douglas Rd, Honeoye Falls, NY, United States
Join us for our 26th year of celebrating the great outdoors!
Free and open to the public, the Outdoor Expo is held at one of the area’s best places for outdoor gatherings and recreation, Mendon Ponds Park. Local clubs and organizations are on-site to talk about their work, share their knowledge of the outdoors, and provide a chance to try out the latest gear.